Incompetent Anthropes

Pawee Kobkitsakul /

We are now in the fast moving world that fulls of innovation and technology which Artificial Intelligence is the one that gains more and more attention from society. I as a young generation of communication designers have the curiosity on the impact of artificial intelligence toward the future of creative field. Thus, Artificial Intelligence is not a new thing for graphic designers and the growing of Artificial Intelligence boom will bring more impact to the role of graphic designer in the future. Artificial Intelligence blends in our lives seamlessly which represent the important role of AI toward global digital trends.Conclusively, I will inform young graphic designer to understand the Artificial Intelligence and encourage people to see the importance of Artificial Intelligence toward graphic designer field through the video and it will also encourage my audiences to see more possibility and the role of Artificial Intelligence in the future. The project will be the reflection of future Artificial Intelligence and its impact toward graphic designer profession. My project will intentionally clarify the position of Artificial intelligence in real world and its possibilities. The video will extend the sequences and consequences. Thus, the story will scope on the relationship between human designer and the AI.


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