ง่วง ควร งีบ / Nguang Khuan Ngip

Sirapatr Wetayawanich

sirapatr.w@gmail.com / www.sirapatr.com

ง่วง ควร งีบ (Nguang Khuan Ngip) is an uplifting campaign project that aims to address the mass audience of Bangkok about the importance of personal sleep well-being amid the global sleep crisis and encourage a better perception towards a daytime nap.

Like other cities globally, People in Bangkok experience sleep inefficiency as a result of exhaustion from overworking, but we generally avoid napping during the day since we think it is inappropriate and are concerned about public perception. This project is here to advocate the city’s support on individual sleep well-being by communicating the benefits of napping in relation to their work. Therefore, the slogan suggests that when sleepy, one should listen to their body and allow themselves to nap as needed.